Titel:IPR Illegal GE corn from Monsanto detected in Argentina
Bron: Greenpeace Duitsland
Via: GENET email list

Illegal genetically engineered corn from Monsanto detected in Argentina
Will exports to Europe be affected?

London / Buenos Aires, 11th May, 2001 - Greenpeace today demanded a full investigation of illegal planting of genetically engineered (GE) corn in Argentina and a disclosure of the new cover-up involving agribusiness giant Monsanto.

According to information leaked Greenpeace, substantial amounts of
Monsanto's herbicide resistant Roundup Ready corn GA 21 were planted last year in Argentina's main three corn production provinces of Buenos Aires, Santa Fe and Cordoba. This GE variety has not been approved for planting, human or animal consumption in Argentina nor for import to Europe. While the Argentinean Secretariat of Agriculture confirmed the case on Thursday, Monsanto claimed it was not aware of it.

Monsanto presented its Roundup herbicide resistant corn at last year's
National Agriculture fair ExpoChacra 2000, where the company, according to the information leaked to Greenpeace, also distributed the seeds despite the fact they were unapproved. Monsanto had applied for approval for the product already in 1999, but the Argentinean authorities had refused the permit because of export concerns as the variety is banned in Europe.

While the US corn industry suffered massive losses in the European and
Japanese market over the past years because of contamination with GE corn, Argentina had subsequently become the primary exporter of corn to the European Union. "Monsanto deliberately puts Argentinean corn exports at risk with this illegal action," said Emiliano Ezcurra of Greenpeace Argentina.

Greenpeace was also informed that the case of illegal plantings was known within the Agricultural Secretariat as early as January this year. When confronted with the allegations, the authorities admitted that indeed "unapproved GMOs" had been detected and were now being searched for and destroyed. The Secretariat refused to disclose the identity of the GMO, the quantities, the regions affected or the name of the company involved. "Why did both the company and the authorities remain silent so long? There must be very close links between Monsanto and some officials in the Secretariat to continue this cover-up until we exposed it," Ezcurra added.

"This company simply doesn't play by the rules, but pursues a ruthless global strategy of legal and illegal contamination with genetically engineered seeds," said Benedikt Haerlin of Greenpeace International. "This case follows the same pattern as the massive smuggling of GE soybeans from Argentina to Brazil, where Monsanto's Roundup Ready soybeans are still illegal. Of course Monsanto denies any involvement in this criminal action but at the same time Monsanto is involved in massive public propaganda exercise for these seeds in Brazil, despite the fact they are actually contraband."

"Monsanto is a very powerful company in our country," said Emiliano Ezcurra, "but that must not mean they are above the law. We demand a full investigation of these activities and we demand that Monsanto be prosecuted and held liable for any costs resulting from this contamination."

For more information:

In Argentina,
Emiliano Ezcurra,
Greenpeace Genetic Engineering Campaigner,
Tel: +54.114.962 04 04; Oscar Soria, Press Officer, Tel: +541149620404 or
Mob: +54111551090786;

Greenpeace International,
Benedikt Haerlin, Genetic Engineering Campaigner,
Tel: +493030889916;

Greenpeace International Press Office,
Teresa Merilainen, Tel: +31205236637